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Quality certificate

Certificación Biospherehouse

Certificación BiospherehouseThe tourism developed in a rational way can contribute towards promoting new tourist models that are not aggressive to the environment and that are enriching from a social and cultural point of view, likewise taking on board the need to move towards these new models through certification. In order to achieve this, it shares the view expressed by the UNWTO that certification systems applicable to tourism play an increasingly important role in the regulation of tourist services, providing notable benefits to the environment and to society as a whole in the relevant destinations.
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Volcanic Experience


What is Islas Canarias Volcanic Experience?

The volcanic diversity that exists in the Canary Islands is a reality shown by the special conditions of each island; but on each of them, based around their volcanoes, there is also a unique world reflected in the gastronomy, cultivated landscapes, vineyards, country paths, charming accommodation and extraordinary activities in the open air, such as star gazing in the clear skies.

Islas Canarias Volcanic Experience is the brand of quality that distinguishes the islands as the favourite destination for those who want to really enjoy nature and life in a way that is respectful of the environment and is sustainable for the local population.

Islas Canarias Volcanic Experience guarantees the quality of the global range of tourist services that the Canary Islands make available to you when it comes to holidays that are active and based in nature. This brand gathers together the commitment to quality of hotels, rural houses, hostels, restaurants, activity centres, museums and parks in the islands; all those which, like you, believe in an enjoyable form of tourism that is also sustainable.


Starlight Certification

Starlight_gStarlight Certification for Rural Hotels and Houses is a qualification awarded by the Starlight Foundation to those establishments which, as well as offering accredited quality accommodation, also become involved as active agents in the promotion of the values contained in the “Declaration in Defense of the Night Sky and the Right to Starlight” (“La Palma Declaration”) and which provide their customers with information about Starlight as well as means and instruments for astronomical observation.